
MAMMOTH SOIL'S has performed geotechnical investigations, ranging from single family residence to large commercial developments. Subsurface investigations are performed by Professional Geotechnical Engineers and Certified Engineering Geologists. Subsurface soils are obtained with the aid of a truck-mounted drill rig or tractor-mounted backhoe.

The soils encountered are classified and logged by the Staff Geologist for review by the Geotechnical Engineer and/or Engineering Geologist. Soil samples are collected and returned to our laboratory for testing and evaluation. A complete report which describes the geotechnical investigation in detail, including grading and foundation recommendations based on the subsurface investigation and laboratory testing, is completed by our Project Engineer and Engineering Geologist.

Further geotechnical investigations may be warranted based on the findings of the initial investigation. Further investigations may include, slope stability calculations, drainage considerations, excavation potential of dense soils or bedrock, structural section design recommendations, and percolation investigations.

To those ends, MAMMOTH SOIL'S performs a variety of geologic services to provide accurate and complete data in support of commercial, residential, and industrial development, and other projects. Ranging from simple literature research to complex, cross-discipline studies incorporating research, aerial photograph interpretation, surface mapping, geophysical surveys, subsurface exploration, and more, MAMMOTH SOIL'S team of experienced, registered geologists and engineers can provide the geologic data needed for any size project.

Geologic services provided include but are not limited to:

• Liquefaction Studies
• Percolation Studies
• Landslide and Slope Stability

• Surface Mapping
• Site Suitability
• Geologic Structure Analysis

• Aerial Photograph Interpretation
• Subsurface Exploration and Mapping
• Earthquake Hazard & Ground Shaking Studies

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