Best Prices
FFL Transfer Information
Guns, Fishing & Other Stuff requires customers come in-store to fill out required paperwork and pay fees prior to accepting any transfer. The transfer process will not begin until this is done.
Transfer Fees
Vacaville location: $125.00
Dublin location: $150.00
Ammo Transfers
Guns, Fishing & Other Stuff does not currently perform ammo transfers.
We Need You To Apply Today!
Guns Fishing, and Other Stuff is looking for a few good people with great attitudes to work. Positions available in Dublin and Vacaville. If you are into fishing, firearm, hunting, or outdoor sports in general, you might be a perfect fit for Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff. If you have experience in firearms range operation or have expertise in firearms, we’d love to talk to you.
Interest in fishing, firearms, hunting, or outdoor sports in general.
Expertise in firearms.
Experience in firearms range operation.
Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff is an Equal Opportunity Employer. When it comes to hiring, Guns, Fishing and Other Stuff does not not discriminate on any basis including; gender, race, ethnic heritage, religion, country of origin, age, gender identification, or any other definition as defined by Federal or California law.
Apply in person at either our Dublin or Vacaville stores today!
We are a family-owned sporting goods store with two locations in Northern California.
Visit Our Vacaville Store
- 197 Butcher Rd, Vacaville, CA 95687
- 707-451-1199
Vacaville Store Hours
Tues-Fri: 9AM – 6PM
Sat: 9AM – 7PM
Sun & Mon: CLOSED
Visit Our Dublin Store
- 6705 Amador Plaza Rd Dublin, CA 94568
- 925-828-4867
Vacaville Store Hours
Tues-Fri: 10AM – 7PM
Sat: 9AM – 7PM
Sun & Mon: CLOSED
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